08 Jun 2024

Celebrating 30 years

This year marks exactly 30 years since the Biesbosch received national park status. Under the title De Biesbosch, B&B full of life, we invite residents, visitors and press to come and celebrate this anniversary with us.

Picture 5 DR

Box full of memories

Central to the celebration of 30 years of National Park De Biesbosch are 30 stories about characteristic animals and plants in the Biesbosch. Together they tell the story of the B & B full of life. From osprey to willow barkstone and from tidal snail to spindle otter: there is a story to be told about all the selected species that is unknown to most Biesbosch visitors.


Movie as seen by eagle eyes

The film takes the viewer through all seasons starring the osprey and with a nice supporting role for the bald eagle. In 15 minutes the film shows both above and below water how important the freshwater tidal system is for all kinds of plants and animals.

The wetland dynamics in the Biesbosch are the basis of this valuable ecosystem. With this, the film fits perfectly with the theme of the Biesbosch as a B&B full of life.

Forester Harm Blom of Staatsbosbeheer will explain the film in his own expressive way.


13.30 reception with coffee/tea and something sweet

14:00 Handing over of the box full of stories by alderman Tim Simons to a Biesbosch guide and a Biesbosch host from Drimmelen

Followed by a film and lecture by ranger Harm

15.00 What the Biesbosch has meant for Drimmelen now and in the past

16.00 closing with drink and snack

Joining the walk is free of charge!

If there is sufficient interest, there will be a special trip to the Hofmansplaat at 16.45.

We leave from the Zilvermeeuw for a walk of about 1.5 hours on the Hofmansplaat, around 18.45 we 'll be back in the marina of Drimmelen. The price for the special trip is €15 per person.

Would you like to join? Please register here

For more information, click here.


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